Information for applicants

Before applying, please familiarise yourself with the Aims of the Fund, which can be found on our About Page

Small Grants

Two bursaries per year for bona-fide organ students to attend the IAO Organ Festival

A number of small grants of up to £300

Who can apply

Individuals wishing to:

Take lessons on the organ

Complete a research project about the organ

Seek financial support for preparation for an organ exam

What we offer

As a guideline only, these are some sizes of bursaries we have awarded in the past:

£300 for help towards the cost of musical tuition

£100 for help towards the cost of attending a course

£100 for help towards the cost of purchasing music

How to apply

Complete the individual application form via the button below.

Important: A reference from your organ teacher/music teacher or other suitable professional is required.

Please arrange for this to be sent to us at by the deadline of 14th February.

Large Grants

Each year we consider the award of larger bursaries (between £300 and £5000) for wider-reaching and more ambitious educational projects from groups, charities, or societies

Who can apply

Registered charities

Another type of group or society which meet our requirements

With large grants we will not fund:

Ongoing costs

Costs for a current project/activity

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